Dhanvi wore a Red kurti with white dots In it and made her way to meet her Dad . Taking a autorickshaw ,she stopped infront of a house .
Scanning the house ,her mind flourished her childhood memories of she running towards outside and her dad running behind her to feed her food.
A wide smile crossed her face .With that smile ,she clutched her kurti and stepped towards the door . She was about to knock but something stopped her .
Inorder to knock ,she just twisted the door knob and pulled forward .She prayed towards herself to remain strong infront of her dad and not to expose anything about her life .
Her dad was badly worried about her health .he always has a guilt about not giving Dhanvi a proper mother .He also knows ,how much she was mad over her dream of Doctor .Now , everything got shattered just because of his request for marrying Aaditya.