❤️ Chapter - 76 ❤️

" You will end up as patient "

Aaditya teased her and broke up into laughter . Dhanvi's faced Flushed and also she got irritated . Cursing him under her breath ,she grabbed the pillow and throwed over his face .

" I hate you , Aaditya "

Rejecting him with a poker face ,She crossed her arms and turned aside .The smile in Aaditya's face became even more brighter . Because ,this is the first time Dhanvi said I hate you in different emotion .This word , lightened his heart even more stronger.

People our mood is ,The Perfect answer from right person can turn up our mood even more brighter. before ,when she say I hate you it will be holding anger . Instead ,now it's different .She use to use the words with half anger ,care and Love which she fails to open up to him.

" Aaditya !!! "

Aaditya's eyebrows waggled as he pressed his both palms on the bed and bend towards her with a little gap in between,

" When did Mr.Malhotra turned into Aaditya ??? "