The entire place surrounded by is surrounded by people holding luggages , passport check-ing , Security guards, children's running here and there , some sitting on the pavement.
In midst,of this a guy in his late 27 .His eyes shining in black which is covered with Google's , Hairs perfectly arranged with well jelled look. the handsome face , chewing gum menting on mouth , His ears occupied with earphones , dragging a luggage he moved towards causally.
His legs stopped ,when the escalator stopped the way . Stepping on the Escalator , he clicked the headphones,
" Now , speak "
His sound indicated a frown .Being like ,he had holded for a long time and finally ,his wait had been over and the time to attack the prey .
" What the hell , is there to speak ??? You have already ruined my Pendrive !!! Because,of you I have lost my 3 year hard work .I warn you , better don't come to home "