Three years later ,
The room is occupied by the screaming sounds. It's entirely dark .Except a mid light ,to examine patient there is visibility . The annoying sounds of ECG mixed with the scream of Vishaka pierced and frightened the Singaniya's and Kumaresh family .
Vishaka is pregnant . Few minutes before,she got labour pain and currently she's taken to the ward for delivering her child .Her screams are still audible to the outer pathway .
" Nothing should happen " Vd interwined her hands and prayed to the God for her daughter's health .She still can't believe her daughter ,had grown up . The pampered kid of Singaniya's is going to give birth to another one .
" Nothing will happen !! Our Princess is strong .She is brave like her mother " , Karthik cheered his wife with a smile .But ,deep down as a father even he's scared by hearing her horrible scream mixed with enormous pain .