The tiny woman in front of me collected my bag from me even though I told her I could manage. She looked at my tummy and then smiled before walking away. I followed her up the stairs to the room I'll be staying in for the next few days.
"Where is Chloe?" I asked. I know her to be Becky. Cloe hired her like some few years back and she was more of a babysitter to Chloe and Charle's son. Raymond. I haven't seen the little fellow in a while because he'd taking a short trip with his dad to New Mexico.
I heard from Chloe they were back but I'm not sure.
"Oh...Mrs Dickens would be back soon. She said she was leaving off work early today to be with you" Becky smiled. She gracefully tucked my clothes into the empty wardrobe. I'm sure they've got plenty of rooms with lots of empty wardrobes in this big house.
I do my best to fill the ones in my house with at least, towels and robes in case we have visitors over.