All That Matters

As I sat in the Limo, I tried not to remember the last time I and Damien were together in this same Limo. I had gone over myself that night.

Damien squeezed my hands and I stared up at him. There's no telling what would transpire at this event. We might meet Alberto and we might not meet him. We might find out that he was the one who sent those kidnappers and we might learn that he's not the one. And even if he told us what we needed to know, how would we know that he was telling the truth??.

"Just remember to smile always and if you feel nauseous or sick at any moment, just tell me and I'd get you out of there" Damien went over the note of the night.

"Alright. You've told me that like seventy times now" I sighed and he chuckled..

"I just want you to be happy and safe at the same time."