I've had enough Paparazi for a day in my life. This morning when I arrived at my pet store, strictly guarded by a man Damien assigned. I think his name is Jim. There were a few cars parked outside my building. I had thought we had many buyers today only to be faced with a blinding flashing camera in my face. The paps swarmed me like bees and luckily for me, Jim came to my rescue.
"What are they on about anyway? " Tanya asked me. She was rocking her baby in her arms. She put to bed a while ago but I was too busy to even notice or know. She had sent me an email but I haven't gone through my emails in decades.
Too engulfed in my own problems to care about other people's problems.
"Someone leaked a news out to the blog" Elle muttered. I was happy they were around me. After the assault of the Paps in front of my building, I was taken home. Tan followed me.
"What?" I asked, staring at Elle. She was going through her phone.