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Adine Pov...

" Beep Beep Beep "

whose message me now..

" Yesterday uncle and aunt fix the date of engagement after a week....I asked to call you but you didn't came... I want my bestir to know my engagement

hope your anger is faded away .. pumpkin please don't be angry"

Wow what a motivational message...I was going for very important meeting and now my mind be occupied by his message.. he doesn't care me in these month my presence matter now for him...

No No.. I need to calm down...I can't let him distrub my mind ..

Now you can't affect me.

yesterday maid called me saying Liam is calling me downstairs but I reject... I am not yet ready to face him... seeing him brought my all emotion back which I am pushing away.. whenever I give up .. I say to myself if I can't love in a days or in a can I give up in one day or one month...