Strange Party

Raven Parker POV

The next day I got up early as I had to go for shopping and Alie accompanied me and Dad was also with us. After the lunch and shopping We came back home and I was really excited for the wedding. In the evening I got ready for the party and I intentionally sent pictures to Neil After getting ready. I wanted to tease him.

I went to the bar and as I reached there I was surprised seeing Neil there. He was looking at me so lovingly and I was trying to calm myself down. He hugged me and he was still wrapping hid arm around my waist and he wasn't saying anything and was talking with Alie and I was liking the way he was possessing me.

I was going to belong to him forever. I was really happy and he kissed my forehead and looked at me.

Neil "Stop staring me like that. I can't wait for you wifey. Can't I join you guys?"

Raven "No groom is not allowed. Its a party of close friends only. "

Neil "So I am not your close friend?"

Raven "You are not just a friend."