Strange feelings

A great sensation entered Ibrahim. For the first time ever, ibrahim was stunned by a woman. Before, he was so busy trying to not only run his business but even try to figure out how to stop slavery for good that he had no time for women. But today, he gazes at her delicate features. Her eyes were shone brightly against the sun's reflection and conveyed her sad faith. Her hair was wavy and drops all the way past her shoulders. Here she was, this beautiful girl, owned by Ardit.

"Do you like her?" asked Ardit, "she is a real beauty, the most beautiful woman in the world, I'd say. To think she could be bought so easily. Ha ha ha."

Ari and Jeta left the drinks on the table and left, leaving Ibrahim stunned and in silence.

"She is so beautiful," commented Ibrahim.

"Yes, and she's all mine. I had to pay a trillion for her."

"A trillion!?" Ibrahim was shocked, "that makes her-"

"The most expensive slave in the world, yes. Or is this the first time you're hearing of this? You should watch the news more often. Everyone's talking about it, but they all agree that she is worth the price."

Ibrahim's emotions were confused. He had this desire that was in his heart that he never felt before, but at the same time was angry at Ibrahim for even being proud of owning human beings, let alone one as wonderful as Ari. But he could not say anything. Ardit was not only his client but more powerful than him.

"I guess we should get down to business," said Ardit, "I know, you want to get this over with, so let's see the samples."

And throughout the hour, Ibrahim and Ardit talked business, about the uniforms for the military festival, the cost, and other business related things. It didn't take long for the meeting to come to agreement. Ibrahim now had Ardit as his client and he was going to be paid 20 billion for his services.

"Well then," said Ardit, "I think we are done here. I'm guessing you wish to go out."

"Yes, I guess so."

Ardit's phone rang and he answers, "Yes, hello... oh really?... Hold on a second," he turns to Ibrahim, "I'll have to take this phone call. You may take your leave now." and he then goes to another room.

Ibrahim picks up his things and starts heading out. He leaves the front door and on his right there she was, Ari. She was arranging some flowers on the garden.

His heart starts beating like crazy. He could not stop looking at her. He was mesmerized by her and a great anger boils inside of him. Not just Ardit, but the entire system that was enslaving these innocent people. He could not stand it.

Ari then notices him staring back. His strong, chiseled face left an impression on her as well with his very stern but gentle eyes looking at her saddened expression.

Something envelopes inside Ibrahim. He could not stand it. It was impossible to deny this feeling, this strange feeling he never had. It was a hard feeling in his chest, not just from his heart beating but something else. Like something was missing, he felt a great void in his heart and soul. He could not stand it any longer and he approaches her.