Ari wants to come

It was near 11, Ari and Ardit had finished their breakfast. Once again, like before, it was an amazing meal that Ari could never imagine. Being poor, she could barely afford anything healthy, and now she was eating the most extraordinary meals. But she knew what he was doing, trying to impress her, making her eat these exquisite meals, in the hopes that she would be convinced to be his wife. Maybe other slaves would fall for it, but not her. She would stay firm in her beliefs. She didn't believe slavery was good in any way, so why would she become the wife of a slave owner? She didn't want to own slaves herself and becoming his wife would require her to be a master to the ones she called her peers.

They both got back in the car and started riding off. When they got on the road, Ardit asked, "You liked that meal, didn't you? I tell you, you haven't even eaten 10 percent of the amazing food there is to be found in the city."