Ardit and Ibrahim arrive at the building that they were holding Ari. They got the floor and room number. Ardit bought some more guns. They were now ready to take down the evil men who had taken away Ari.
"Don't be crazy, Ardit," said Ibrahim.
"They kidnapped Ari. I will show no mercy."
"Be careful. You can get in trouble."
"They were already in trouble when they decided to lay a hand on Ari."
Ardit enters the building and enters the elevator. They arrive at the floor and walk over to the room number. Ardit knocks on the door.
No reply.
He knocks on the door once again.
Still no reply.
He turns the knob and finds that nobody is in the room. They race back to the elevator and upon returning to the ground floor, run outside the building. It was just in time, a car was just about to leave the area. Ardit walks up to the driver of the car and the driver sees him approaching him. He gets a very scared look on his face, which Ardit notices.