Seeing Karthik in excitement brought a
sad smile on Sindhu's face; he was really enjoying cooking for Tulasi. Though her heart clenched, she loved seeing him in good spirits.
When it was nearing eight, she had
dinner, alone at the dining table since
Karthik was busy in the kitchen and
Tulasi was in her room. She was about
to get up from the dining table when her mobile rang. She quickly washed her hands and took the call.
"Hi drama queen" Hearing Hemanth's
cheery voice lifted her mood instantly.
She sighed with a smile "So, you finally
decided to call me?"
He chuckled "Yeah. I thought I should
bring an end to your suffering"
Hearing him tease her made her chuckle
"So, how are you?"
"Everything's good. I am surrounded by
beautiful American women here"
"Oh, really? How lucky they must be?"
she said sarcastically.
"That they are" he replied arrogantly.
"Ha Ha. Shut up now. Else, they will give you what you deserve"
"Which is?" he prompted.
"A kick in the---"