stunned by her confession "You could have said that you didn't want to marry the persorn our father chose. I would have-"
"I was scared. Scared that you will say the same too. So I pretended to father that I will forget Anand and marry the person of his choice. That way I wasn't.imprisoned and it gave me a chance to escape our village"
"I didn't expect him to kill himself
though" she sobbed and Prasad
wrapped his arms around his sister,
crying along with her.
"I am sorry" he said after a long time "I blamed you for everything"
"It's ok" she replied, hiccuping with
tears still flowing down and Sindhu
handed a glass of water to her, before leaving the room with a teary smile.
"Everything alright?" Karthik asked,
when he saw her walk into the living.
"Hi auntie. Uncle. When did you come?"
Sindhu asked, noticing her in-laws
sitting with her husband on the couch and the chair.
"Just a few minutes. How did everything go her mother-in law Seetha asked curiously.