"P a t h e t i c.... w o l f.
I... w a s... t r y i n g... t o... b e... g o o d... w i t h... h e r...b u t... I t... s e e m s... l i k e... I... h a v e... n o... o t h e r... c h o i c e."
San who only took few steps was suddenly attacked from behind. A great force of energy hit her and she flew and hit on a tree.
She fell down and her vision went blurry. She could feel tears accumulating in her eyes and darkness swallowing her.
She lifted her head and saw demon prince who in a second was standing in front of her. He lifted her as he grabbed her neck and looked in her eyes.
"Y o u... h a v e... b e e n... a... v e r y... b a d.... w o l f."
He lifted his hand and grabbed a piece of her shirt from her shoulder and tore it.
San struggled for air and tried to free her neck but demon prince only put more pressure on her neck.