Two years later.
San looked at the man in front of him who looked handsome with his golden robe and golden long hair.
"P a t h t i c."
He glanced at her angrily while she chuckled softly and took a step towards him.
"M o o n... g o d... o n l y... k n o w s... o n e... w o r d ... t o... s a y.
I ... w o u l d... l o v e... t o... h e a r... t h a t... y o u... l o v e... m e."
She smiled and stared at him whose expressions slowly softened.
San smiled but her eyes became wet. She lifted her hand and touched her eye not able to understand why she was crying.
She glanced at the man who inhaled deeply.
"W a k e... u p."
He told her as tears rolled down her cheek but she still was smiling painfully.
"I ... d o.. n o t... w a n t... t o."
"S a n,... w a k e... u p."
She took a jerk and inhaled deeply while Earl looked relieved to see her. She came to wake her up and found San crying in her sleep.