
The way David stared at Kate infuriated him as he could tell he was using her to get to him.

Instinctively, he could tell something terrible was about to happen.

He strode to the executive chair and sat down at the upfront staring at her but not with hatred. He couldn't hate her no matter how hard he tried not after learning the reason behind her revenge facade. She was fighting him because of a son that was still alive which had him thinking why he did it in the first place but he wasn't about to change anything. It was too late to let her know.

His mind wandered into the past when he had her arrested knowing he would have freed her eventually had David not stepped into the picture. She would have learned about Quinn one way or the other.

" We don't have all day Mr. Reagan" came a mafia's impatient voice which brought him back from his guilty thoughts.

He cleared his throat while staring at Kate who sat opposite him with peering eyes as well.