Never Quit

The confiscation of Alvin's ports soon became the biggest news in the country. It even went international yet his board members remained. A few complained but none left and that bothered David.

Having a board of trustees means he had backups thus he wasn't going completely bankrupt and most of the trustees were influential.

He needed a plan then a call interrupted his thoughts.

" Sir, Alvin Reagan had paid fifteen billion dollars to custom for tax. Just how rich was he? David's face darkened gripping the phone tightly.

" Here I was worried about him. I think I can live with that"

" Well, his businesses are going down yet he's calm"

" What about the ports. Is it still in use?

" No, I heard he's about to auction it. I know he won't sell it to you. how about we send someone to represent you"

" What are you talking about Logan? Why will I want his port that was confiscated? He yelled on the phone.