
As much as David tried to stop Eden Callaway from attending the first hearing regarding Kate's lawsuit against the hospital he couldn't.

Eden was determined to do his job thus refused his request as he went ahead with the case.

Kate wasn't present for reasons best known to her but Eden won the case in the span of two weeks unfortunately he was kidnapped on his Way to Kate's house to relay the message.

By anonymous men.

The hospital was fined a huge sum of money as compensation and Cynthia's license was revoked among others but some were pardoned as the majority of them were transferred out of the country already.

They might have learned their lessons.

So Kate was pacing in her office eagerly awaiting Eden's report.

An hour turned two, three then five, it was getting dark and it was Simon's birthday. She suspended it because of their verdict. She decided to celebrate it differently thinking Eden Callaway was caught up with something.