The hard choice

Subsequently, things went from having fun in the amusement park to brooding a retching Pamela who couldn't hold it in while on the roller coaster thus they had to vacate their seats.

" Pam, how are you doing now? She asked pouring some water to wipe her face then hoisted her in her arms while Quinn picked her bag.

" Is she going to be okay? Quinn asked worriedly staring at a livid Pamela.

" She's sick from inhaling too much air" Kate stated pulling a blanket over her kneading her legs.

" Pamela? She hummed coughing.

" I'm fine. I have never ridden one of those" Quinn's brows furrowed.

" But you told me you have" her hands clutched her dress in shame.

" That's enough perhaps she didn't know what it was. I'll get you something to drink. Don't go anywhere" she instructed trailing to the store nearby and returned minutes later with a bottle of juice for them.

" Here sweetie. How is she holding up?