Morgan fiddled with his fingers and Angelo burst out laughing slowly. "Someone's husband, so irritating". the sister urged her to stop it's not time for play.

Mr Buenavista stepped out of the house and asked as an elderly man what the problem was, they explained to him and didn't want to listen to any of them.

"You fraudsters, duped us and we write your dept off yet you take your daughter back from us, we kept it to ourselves to properly look for her all to no avail, since the wedding night after the maids prepared her for the ceremony between she and her husband she was no we're to be found anymore, and you want me to believe you didn't hide her or it wasn't any of your plans, that's rubbish. go inside there bring her out or I get you all arrested this is no jokes".

Mr Buenavista breathed.. "Okay, ask your guards to step in and search all over my building we will wait over here till they're done".