"you all are fools, how can you be so loose to be used this much, do you know what we are into right now?"
"Boss but is anny in danger too or she's the informant?"
"She's the informant, this was actually planned well at first she didn't make any move and she came armless, you can see that boss was strangled to death".
"But where is the blood coming from?"
"He rolled him into the sharp knife unknowingly and it cut his arm, that's it".
"These people are very wise, the actor should join military he will be of Many use".
"Go go go and do the needful".
she saluted.. "Commander the news is already on air and every check point is shut down, our soldiers are all over the place searching the cars and a car was reported abandoned in the east west road exactly the car they left with". "They should go through that way they're still in the country".