she provoked his inhuman nature. the word bastard made him feel like one...

ivi furrowed her brow. "What kind of doctor are you".

the doctor calming her down. "You have to calm down madame this is not good for your present condition".

"Why? I lost something precious and you refused to tell me what kind of wickedness is this, you keep me in the dark".

Sandra stood and hold her back. "Ivi calm down he should explain not this way".

"Milady I'm working under instructions, the boss had asked me not to tell you in this condition so you don't hurt the more".

he explained and ivi frowned.

"The boss?" she whispered.. tears clouded her eyes as she left the doctor and sat down on the bed crying she dialed Roman's country number and it didn't connect but shortly his call came in.

"baby". his calm voice was heard over the phone..

"You bastard". ivi cursed.

bothered he asked further. "Sweetheart, is everything alright why are you troubled?"