Don't say anything, just don't move.. her legs weakened as his lips crashed agai

Ivi could only be amazed by her super incredible intelligence, some people will still be lost and asking but here she understood in a bit..

"Come here". Sandra pulled her into her arms.. "I'm not really perfect.. fine, actually. I am a lone buddy.. but now we're friends as well.. I've always treated you as a very close friend of mine.. This has nothing to do with me being your superior at work I want to be part of your life too I mean as low as we could be to each other as best friends too"..

ivi looked at her with all tenderness.. "Myself, robbed me of friends.. I didn't have friends till I grow to this extend and if I try they only end up betraying me and abusing me but I always don't wait for the bad side and when it happens it hurts me to my bone... you're my only friend now.. just you and I appreciate you"...