Please, Don't leave.

But they didn't make her feel this way before, just a kiss and he already turned her life upside down. although she didn't get tired of those boring and exhausting kind of sex because she didn't believe in romance.. she never knew there was something more to this.. more to sex... more to love... more to feel.. and much more to desire..

James is used to being rough, he didn't know gentility, a little drag she was against his skin, softest moans, his hands rubbing on her waist... he was enjoying it.. he did enjoy her while there was people around them how be it now, now, now that they're all alone.. that he poured out his mind through the kiss..

Sandra's fingers moved like a serpent into his hair, she touched his hair and she kissed him back so much.. she wasn't a novice but although she could be or she was to this kind of romance.. he paused and pulled away gradually.