Marshall subconsciously turning around to see the man, his shoulders instantly dropped, There's a very clear gap, no comparison.
he was tall and beautiful, he never saw anybody like that before, he put both hands on ivi's shoulders but Sandra gradually took them off"Sorry Young master Lin, but her husband is before you", she whispered so it was only him who heard what she said.
Roman swallowed, his eyes were deep and his lips were moistened..
Sandra pushed ivi. "Go go go, right now",
ivi didn't wanna go anyway but her legs moved on their own Accord.
When she approached him, he extended his hand and touched her face tenderly.. she had been stressed out recently and it was obvious.. Marshall stood there speculating, he had really misunderstood her, when she told him she was married and that her husband was stubborn, his gaze went to his fingers..