The will

Mr Bernardo nods his head in disapproval.. "Avalon, you brought a woman to claim a marriage right from my son?"

"Your son? who is your son my darling husband?"


the first so said even disappointed... "You and your children have to believe it that she is Romans wife"..

"Well that have got nothing to do with us, she is without a child, who knows if she is barren anyway",

what! ivi scuffed.. who is barren?.. she trained herself to keep silent..

"Well what matters then?"

"she is no barrier, all we will need you to do then is to approve his burial coming up this Saturday and be there on time, after the burial the lawyer will do a proper hand over to us, of everything belonging to my son"..

ivi laughed.. "I will sign nothing, there is no date for his burial yet, not ready for that yet, and their will be no transfer of properties to any third party"...