Basically their conversations was limited, he hung up on him because he didn't have anytime to waste.... Ivi who was weak could rarely breath.

when the door was pushed open, they all stepped outside to see a figure standing by a limo spider, he has gloves on and his eyes clouded with pensive doubt...

He retreated few times in shock, his hands were folded and one touching his jaw nobody around just him and his car.. but then, why were battalions afraid of one, because one... how could he possibly find their hiding place and two... when did he return... three... it is very possible that he could kill them all...

He casually stood up with two hands in his pocket, "You're almost on time"..

Don managed to speak to him directly, for having no fear to try to apprehend them alone.. He raised his face without words and stretched his arms.. it meant: bring her.. he didn't have a reserved time to waste at all......

"You... tie him up.. this bastard"...