In the police station a lady was brought out from the prison yard to speak to her parents... Her face roughed and clothes tattered.. eyes swollen... seems she's been crying..
"Mom... dad... what nonsense.. you two sit there and watch me spend weeks here?"
the mother and father glanced at each other.. "When you know Roman was dead what need was the fight you imposed?"
she wiped her face.. "Is this really the right time to judge me huh?"
The father adjusted his clothes... "Angelica... be calm... the lawyer has said that your case is in justifiable.. Roman has refused to step aside.. this is the nemesis of all your hard works.."...
Her eyes sharpened furiously.. "Seriously! huh?... you sit here with your title and position you occupy in this country.. you sit here and watch a small boy deal with your daughter.. and you have the guts to say Roman has refused to step aside"..