Stolen Moment

Roman.. did not really understand the wave of this sudden happy fulfillment... natural happiness... with his mother, father, wife and kid.. his desires accomplished.. it's a nice twist of fate..

Avalon retired to her husband's chamber, leaving him all alone.. laying on his back ignoring work time.. he needed some rest.. personal time to refill......

ivi was seated with her siblings when someone came in to tell them about a celebrity visitor... they realized it was Aron and happily joined him.. Julie was looking up at ivi and she simply Carried her in her arms..

"My husband might adopt you.. they way you love me Juliet"... she played with her hair.. "Alexandra!"

Aron's voice intercepted and she went to hug him.. Sandra was in same native as ivi and the compound is naturally lively with children running around.. women walking about.. Aron found the place totally pleasing....