Today Myra has to join her office again. She missed still , sacred to have a meet .Trying best and mustering courage ,she got ready in a simple professional suit and leaving hair open ,she left out from the flat
Taking a deep breath ,she hurried downstairs. she can't delay ,it's getting late . Booking a cab ,she reached the destination.
" Good morning, Ma'am" she greeted with a professional and sincere smile. Her boss , replied back with a smile .but ,not genuine alike her. Something ,is behind .
" Ma'am,what I am I supposed to do Today ?? Coz ,I don't think there is anything important " she enquired ,well confirming about the schedule .
Her boss stuttered . Without an impropriate reason ,she stammered .
Those actions , turned Myra's thought's bewildered . What's going on ?? She couldn't find out ,exact . But could suspect, something behind
" anything serious ??" ,She exclaimed .