
At that moment, the wind blew, and the blue flakes of snow slowly fell. With this, the three wolves whined, feeling as though their psyche was being fractured.


There was a sound followed by memories from their previous lives, which played out suddenly. They stumbled, freezing.

“No!” There was a pained howl.

How can the wolves be reconciled after remembering their previous lives?

Where the smaller wolf previously was, the air distorted, the world shifted and a massive blue wolf almost tripled in size appeared.

Two more wolves appeared; one red and the other a cloudy grey. Both parted their fang-filled Jaws, releasing low whines.

Once the blue wolf had finished with his howling of loss, he scanned the surroundings but saw that she was truly gone.

The younger littermates whined low. The scarlet wolf pawed the ground, trying his best to stay calm, but the loss was too great, paired with the memories that continued to filter in. He felt that it was a nightmare!