
I suppose he was not aware his female was breeding. Well, if that is the case, his reaction could be understood. Stained with blood, I sat in my seat and watched the male enforcer who shifted from his human side to his wolf.

I shook my head subtly, that is why I am a stickler for rules.

Before all of this, the elders of the four most powerful packs had decided together about the rulers.

Wolves are already a species who respect the strong.

The rules of the meeting had been, alphas were allowed to attend as a wolf. The enforcers second only to beta-enforcers and alphas, were to stay in their secondary form if they wanted to enter the meeting. Enforcers are powerful, I may seem arrogant in calling the previous enforcer weak but in truth enforcers are there to enforce the rules with the beta-enforcers when grouped together, powerful enough to take down an alpha.

Her standing up and speaking when not asked to broke the rules. That is why she was punished by myself, an alpha.