Drowning in denial

Laughter, maniactic laughter.

A trickle, rising slowly until it echoed loudly for all within this place to hear.

I knew what I wanted for so long, that the goal had been achieved but Sah… Sah… Sah. I laughed making the outcry repeatedly.

I thought I had been smart enough, good enough but alas… I failed.

That’s right, no matter how much I tried to be good, to be lenient regardless of their mistakes.

I failed.

My knees slowly gave out, I fell, those who were not loyal to me and my cause were wiped out in a blink before my eyes, the male I had claimed and would have mated… The alphas all of them… Al… All… Of them.




(The goddess of time and God of illusion who had sealed her true thoughts.)

It was them again! The main gods just continued to go against me. What have I ever done to them? Did I deserve this?

(You veered off course. Your true goal forgotten.)

At least my parents—

(They are dead.)


My males, then at least—