Defeated 2

The images that flashed were not in-depth but were enough that I could understand that the gods hated the wolf kind so to destroy their realm, forcing them here and one by one slaughtering them.

When it was finished, the tears that fell were blood red, a sign that I felt it down to my soul.

“So that was how, Ahaha Haha.” I laughed and laughed until tears streamed down my cheeks, dripping down my chin pooling below where I fell to my knees. I turned my palms up and looked at them. Compared to the rich toffee tone of my skin the inner palms were much lighter, a vast contrast to the rest of my skin. I am no different from those I despised. The true form is a wolf yet split to be… human.

Sometimes I wonder if I had failed in my previous life and this is punishment.

Punishment to force myself to believe I am a wolf when knowing we are merely two sides of one coin.

I thought of many things then, my once scattered mind became calm.

This world.