A prominent race fell

Deceit upon recovering felt his pocket realm shudder and weaken. With a thought, he separated the area where his beloved had been leaving a four-hundred-meter space.

With the warning of his siblings, he had an idea of what to expect.

Flexing a muscles Deceit made sure the body had recovered all of its functions before stepping from the pocket realm to just beyond the borders of the heavenly realm.

For a while, Deceit stood there, looking below the clouds at the world below. Fissures, death, plumes of smoke, and the off and on cries. Even when he looked beyond at the connecting realms, Deceit saw that many were on the verge of collapse or have already been.

Well, this is a loss.

Deceit took a step which to the eyes of those looking on could be seen as though he teleported but it is just time and space so weak now, had no hold on him who has almost complete control of his body.