A howl echoed within the territories. The owner with a beautiful dark grey coat with; the highlighted tinge of dark blue hues sang the olden song of her world. From the throat of a beast blended between wolf and hyena and traces of fox, it should be horrifying.
Yet, it gave birth to the consciousness of this specific territory, which had long thought to have died.
Everything that holds power possessed life.
Including the heavenly realm of the gods which now dwelled within the domain of the guardian beast. A nightmare beast nonetheless.
Many things happened, minor and major. Inner and outer.
A god had died.
The owner, she simply watched from the sidelines, emotions not even fluctuating.
A master.
Who did not see their servants as much or had a chance to bond with said servants will never feel the loss after they had departed?
Things I disliked, inherently have no attaching emotions.