“W-Whaoh… What a tragic story” Roxanne commented.
Throughout the story, she could feel her emotions welling up. The story touched her deeply that she was left breathless at a point. Finally, after Rita finished the story, she smiled at Roxanne.
“It is indeed… Though we don’t know just how much of it is real since it’s a tale of the past after all” Rita said.
“Hold up, you mean… That might not have happened?” Roxanne said with disbelief.
“Well, yeah. I mean… How are we to verify the validity of a legend from thousands of years ago? Other tribes have their own accounts of what actually happened, so we can’t know for sure.” Rita added.
“O-Oh…” Roxanna muttered.
“Any other questions?” Rita smiled.
Roxanne looked curious, as she thought deeply to find a question she needed to ask. Then suddenly her eyes widened as she remembered something very important.
“What about the one who chased me? The black Werewolf… Just who is it?” Roxanne asked.