Chapter 25 Alpha calls for his bride.

Roxanne and Rita walked around the village and as they did, while her initial goal was to play along temporarily and feign interest, Roxanne started to enjoy the tour. Seeing a different culture and lifestyle out in the woods felt intriguing to her. The curious gaze of people suddenly disappeared and they started to look at her with a form of kinship.

Rita took her to talk to some other women, she played with some children, she heard stories from the teenagers. Slowly, she began to enjoy herself. However... She couldn’t allow that.

“Focus Roxanne! These people abducted you! You have to stay focused on the goal” She told herself.

So, as the tour proceeded, she used her eyes to scan the area, looking for prospective escape paths, or any vehicle she could hijack to make her way out of the foreign region. But, even if she found one she had no idea the direction to head to or the distance the pack was from normal civilization.