Chapter 34 "Larry?!"

“No, I can’t accept this! This is wrong” Roxanne thought to herself.

The lanky man smiled as he saw her. He had a certain twinkle in his eyes, an expression which had both a high of pain and happiness. It confused Roxanne when she saw him look at her this way.

“S-Sir… Are you fine? You look really tired” She quickly said, rushing to his side.

He gave off a weary look as he laughed while she approached him.

“I’m fine… Thank you very much for your concern, ``he said.

Watching such a man say that to her made her heart ache. He seemed so fragile that a single jab from her was enough to take him out, maybe for good. Yet, he engaged in such labour so early in the morning… In the cold.

“But this isn’t right! Why are you doing this sir? I don’t understand…” She protested weakly.

“It’s fine, little one. I don’t do it because I’m forced to. It’s my duty to my people, my role to the pack. I’ll carry it out no matter what it takes.