Chapter 41 Strange connection weaved by fate.

“Urhhhh" Roxanne slurred as she smacked her lips in sleep, a habit she performed on the bed whenever she was being roused from sleep.

After doing this for some time, shifting the shits and engaging in her sleepy dance on the bed, she finally opened her eyes.

“Uwaaaa" She yawned as she lifted her head.

Roxanne stretched her body and heard some bones crack, feeling more energised after doing so. She couldn’t explain it, but Sue felt different, better… Though she didn’t know the reason for this.

As she rubbed her eyes, she faintly began to perceive something. Her ears twitched as she focused them, picking up low tones that began to amplify themselves as she concentrated on them.

“When will she be up?”

“Should I go check up on her?”

“No, she might still need more rest”