
After leaving Maria at her parent's house, Mathew turned around and went again to the hotel and saw people were gathered and an ambulance was there and cops were asking questions and arresting a few people. It was a mess…

Mathew got down from the car and The man who followed Johnson and informed him came near him and said ' You saved her?'

Mathew looked at him and said ' No, I was late don't know what happened she didn't say anything to me'

The guy was quiet then said ' Might it be that he had his way with her?'

Mathew looked at him in anger then his anger turned into sadness and helplessness he said ' Don't know but she was broken, with a palm printed on her face' tears came out of Mathew's eyes and just thinking of what might happen inside gave both of them goosebumps. 

Mathew asked ' Did Johnson leave?'

The man shook his head and said ' Even I am a bit surprised he didn't, might be still cherishing what a bastard thing he did'