Alice turned to look at him and was shocked, and said ' What are you doing Charles, do you know the consequences of it? Naseer will kill you'
Charles sneered and said ' He can't do anything to me, Alice '
Alice sneered ' You think too highly of yourself Charles till now Naseer must have already found out the place and he will be here'
Charles laughed and said ' You are cute when you are angry and it makes me jealous when you talk so confidently for Naseer but he won't come '
Alice said ' He is my man, he will come and when he comes he will torture you to death'
Charles heard it and laughed and he shook his head and he took out his phone and showed her the news which was saying that She Charles and Michael are dead which shocked her seeing her shocked face Charles laughed and said ' Everyone thinks you and me are dead, haha, So no one will come to protect you Alice you better give yourself to me and except that you have no choice'
Alice couldn't believe it she shook her head and said ' Nice try Charles, you should start writing movie scripts too it's nice'
Charles laughed and again showed her a video of her father being taken on a stretcher and her mother crying and the media saying he incurred a heart attack…
Seeing this she started to shake and said ' No no this can't happen tell me this is a lie right? Tell me'
Charles shook his head, came close to her, bent down and said ' You are mine now Alice mine!' saying he turned and left and the guard closed the door
Tears rolled down her eyes, What will happen now? Will she die like this? Naseer you promised me that you will protect me where are you? She thought the courage and strength she had was starting to break…
Charles went down and sat in the hall and laughed, a servant served him coffee and while sipping it he was watching the Media broadcasting the death of Y country King and the Princess of X country… He had an evil smile on his face…
When Charles and Michael met the president and he saw the best plastic surgeon he knew what he had to do, He was impressed by Michael's cunning plan and he decided just a few changes…
After they left the warehouse giving Alice's picture to him, one day he sneakily met the doctor and said make a doppelganger of him too and said ' It should be a secret and I will fill you with riches that your 10 generations won't have to work'
The doctor immediately agreed and he made two Doppelgangers, one of Alice and the other of Charles…
Charles convinced Michael that he would take the charge of kidnapping Alice and he should take charge of the Guards and Michael agreed without any hesitation as He thought of him as always 1 ahead of others.
Charles knew Michael thinks after he removes Naseer and Imran from his oath Alice is his as he never thought Charles to be powerful he thought Charles is just rich and nothing else, which always made him angry but he endured waiting for a moment and he finally got one to show him and also to win his beloved woman...
When Charles kidnapped Alice at that moment Charles called the doctor to bring his doppelganger and when he came and they both stood in front of each other Charles was shocked and smiled and the Fake Charles went back to the Palace and Real Charles took Alice to his Planned Location.
Charles' laugh was echoing in the villa, he knew from the start that Naseer ain't so weak to break down hearing Alice's death and die he knew they had gone through so much that he would bounce back more powerfully and he did.
Charles sneered ' Huh Micheal you fool thought you are very smart huh how does it feel to be dead now ' ….
Charles was enjoying it and in the room, Alice was sobbing thinking of Naseer and what about her parents? How will they live hearing her death news? She was broken…
In the USA…
The President saw the news and was shaking all over, he wanted to kick himself for thinking of going against Naseer and Imran…
He shouldn't have come in their words, now not only his life is in danger but also this country what will happen? Not only he will be killed but also his family he was scared out of his wits thinking it…
His secretary came in and said ' Sir, Naseer, Imran and Jackson have headed towards our country and there has been a huge inflow of their men, it looks dangerous sir'
Hearing it He almost fell to the ground and was sweating not knowing what to do.
The door opened and different higher officials came and said ' What were you thinking before doing it? Are you crazy?'
The president was shaking and he said ' It was a mistake I came in their words'
They said ' Are you a kid? You are a President don't you know, we had a deal with Naseer and Imran years ago about peace at that time and now you broke the pact you will resign from the chair and we will hand you to them'
President immediately said ' Please don't do this I made a big mistake save me please'
The officials said ' Not a mistake but a huge blunder which cannot be reversed. You thought someone could defeat them? Are you mad? Haven't you heard their stories in the Mafia world and business world? We are ashamed that we made such a fool a president, be ready for your end now'
Saying they left.
He begged them to stop but they didn't….
Naseer, Jackson and Imran landed in USA and Naseer said ' They burned our plant to lure us out na burn every plant and everything leave them in darkness'
Jackson nodded and started to make calls and Imran said ' When do we take care of that President'
Naseer said ' Tonight'......
aint Charles too cunning?
What do you guys think?
Comment down your views guys