chapter 3 do you sing?

Today is day which i believe would be the worst day of my life

You must be thinking why this over exaggerating and drama?

well today the meet and greet ceremony

First years would be called one by one on the deck and they would tell about themselves as the 2nd year and 3rd years would listen.

once they are one they would be asked questions about themselves.

once every student is done a small party would be held to welcome the first years.


currently i am sitting not waiting for my turn to go on deck.

i hate when strangers ask me things about me.

why should some random dude know about me?

not only i hate it but being put on spot and have everyone attention too

it's not like i am afraid of being put on spot or lack confidence.

i am just reserved.

"number 24"

the teacher called which was me

taking a deep breath i got up

it's okay Jude. they would only know as much as you tell them. not more not less.

i stand behind the deck and looked up only to find at least 200 people looking at me with different gazes.

some were filled with judgement,some were curious, some were lustful and some were hateful.

that is what i hate.

i didn't say a single word yet i can see so many opinions about me.

what were we supposed to say?

yeah the teacher told us the questions

Name. age, reason to join this field hobbies and etc.

"Hello to you all from Jude Williams. i am 20 years old and the reason for me to pursue business is because i wanted to.

reading is my hobby"

i answered all the four things and heard whispers of people sitting in front of me

"Miss Williams. your time isn't up yet so please speak a little more about yourself"

the teacher requested

"Apologize but that was all i had to say"

i tried to be as respectful as possible.

the teacher eyed me from top to bottom before writing something on her paper attached to clip board

"Since Miss Williams didn't take long in her introduction. everyone should ask her more questions"

what the actual fuck!

i wanted to not be asked question but instead of it i would be asked even more

"please begin the questions"

The teacher spoke

"Do you have a boyfriend"

that was the first question asked by a guy.

great! who does he think he is to ask such question? my mother?

"No i don't" i replied honestly

"Then can i ask you out"

i wanted to smash my head across something hard.

i looked at the teacher

"This is something normal darling."

what's with her encouraging tone?

does she think i am some scared cat who needs to be coed?

"No" i replied

"Why? it's not like you have a boyfriend" the guy pouted trying to act cute

in reality he looked like nincompoop and no i am not commenting on his features but hid attitude

"I don't have boyfriend i have a fiancé so if anyone has any question related to my love life. you are wasting your time by asking"

even the teacher could stop her jaw from dropping

the guy backed off immediately after my reply.

since i had said that i won't be answering question related to my love life everyone remained silent.

Majority of the audience were guys so that could be good reason for the silence too.

since there were no more questions i was about to step down when someone spoke up

"Do you sing?"

why are people gasping? and why does this voice feels familiar?

looking in the direction of voice

i saw the guy from 2 days ago who interrupted my singing.

So he is a senior of mine?

hoe lovely!

note the sarcasm

wanting to keep this short i lied "No" and proceeded to walk down but being the but head he was he again spoke up

"You are lieing. i heard you singing"

What the hell id his problem?