chapter 9 who gave you choice?

Kristopher POV

Jude was about to set down when i asked her does she sing

when she looked at me i knew she recognized me.

No was her reply

"why are you lieing?"

she turned and glared at me and i swear my soul shook.

"Singing is something extremely personal to so stop forcing me"

she was really angry at me for insisting her.

the ceremony ended and the party begin.

while everyone were busy moving their asses on dance floor Jude sat quietly away the crowd

suddenly the song changed and i had a urge to feel her body move with mine on the song

So i went towards her while a teacher was talking to her

i politely asked for her to dance. if looks could kill i am sure i would have died 5 tikes by now.

once again she lied that she doesn't know how to dance but i told her i would teach her

Reluctantly she took my hand when the teacher told her to do so and we both started dancing

while dancing a very intoxicating fragrance hit my nostrils.

It was sweet yet refreshing and calming.

as a coffee sweetened by honey mixed with soil after rain

"What perfume are you wearing?"

she gave me a what the fuck is wrong with you look at my questions

"I am not wearing any"

she replied but i didn't believe her.

i leaned in to check whether it was her natural fragrance or not but who knew she would take my actions and intentions wrongly and kick me between the legs.

"Stay away from me you pervert"she yelled at me before storming off

"What happened?" The teacher asked

i knew if i twisted anything Jude would get in trouble so i replied truthfully and received a good lecture from the teacher for not respecting Jude's boundaries.

I went back to my dorm and laid on bed while my mind wandered with thoughts if Jude.

even though i was just kicked in the sensitive area and was scolded i was smiling at the thought of her

something about her makes me want to know more.

i wanna know whether the song I heard was her original?

i wanna know why does she has this fragrance on her?

i wanna know why is she so reserved?

suddenly my phone started ringing and as i looked at the callers my smile fell

"What do you want?" i asked picking up the call

"Tonight 2 am. the usual place. it's play time" the voice instructed

"I an skipping" i didn't want to go

"who gave you choice?" that was all the person said before hanging up

Kristopher closed his eyes and rubbed his temple in frustration.

whenever he thinks that he has finally escaped from the bad memories this person gives him more

Dragging himself off the bed he changed his clothes and took his heavy bike

driving towards his destination he stopped in the middle at tool shop for grabbing some stuff which would be useful for playtime

reaching his destination he got off bike and pulled off his helmet as the hot air made his hair dance as it went towards the ocean

he walked into a huge yet abandoned factory and called

"Where are you?"

"In here "

a voice replied as he followed the voice and reached a room

thee first thing one would notice while entering would be the man laying on the floor with multiple injuries and blood oozing out of his body

"What took you so long?"

Kristopher turned his head and saw an old man along with 4 body guards.

as a reply Kristopher handed the shopper with tools inside

just as the old man looked in side the shopper a huge and evil grin made it's way to his face

"Your little present pleases me son!" Kristopher sneered and cringed at the word son