Chapter 12 choice of vocabulary

"Yes Miss Williams....well what i am about to tell....or ask might be a little personal to you but i am just really curious and can't help it"

To be honest i was really worried at the teacher's choice

of words

"Umm sir is...everything alright?" i asked

"Oh yes Miss Williams nothing to worry it's just...."

i raised my eyebrows as the teacher paused but soon continued

"Are you by any chance THE GIRL UNDERCOVER?"

My jaw dropped!

How does he know that i am THE GIRL UNDERCOVER?

since my reaction was obvious his jaw dropped

"OH MY.....i can't believe i am seeing the famous internet author with my own eyes.

Your Books are so freaking hot oh sorry how can i use such words as a teacher?.ughhh ...."

He started baffling weird stuff but I kept quiet.

Honestly it felt weird seeing someone fan boying over me epically when that someone is your 40 year old teacher

"Can i have your autograph please?"

"Yeah sure" i managed to say that through an awkward smile