Pointing at one of the girls, he said. " Her. "

Mrs Janet's eyes widened as well as the others. " Why do you want her? " She asked, shifting Illiana behind her. " She's just little, she can't go anywhere with you two. "

" That wasn't our decision to take her, it was the master's. "

" Well, tell your master that I can't give her out. She knows nothing about being mated. Or if he urgently wants her so bad, then he should come meet us face to face. "

" We'll deliver the message, Mrs. " They said and with that, they left the house.

Mrs Janet hugged her three daughters tight to herself, " Girls, it's time to go to bed. Illiana, you'll be sleeping with mom and dad tonight okay? "

Illiana nodded her head. She didn't understand what was going on, she was too little to understand. All she knows us that someone was gonna take her. But who is that?

" Mommy, why were those men here earlier? " She asked as her mother wore her her night dress.

" Don't worry about them, mommy and daddy won't let them take you, okay. You're staying with us. " She kissed her forehead. " Good night, Ana. "



Danielle jumped on her bed, " Why would they demand for Illiana? She's too little to be taken. "

Genevieve stared at the ceiling. " I hope it's not what I am thinking. "

" Come on, Gene, it's definitely what you are thinking. Those wolves are here for Ana, and they're gonna take her. "

" No, Dan, no one is taking Ana away. You heard mom say it, not even the wolves are taking her away from us. "

But the real question is... Can they stop the one who owns her??

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The morning surfaced and the first thing Mrs Janet checked was her little daughter. Illiana was still asleep, and she couldn't stop from staring at her little innocent face. Why would they want her?

Why now? She's still little to know what is happening, she's still little to be taken away from her loved ones?



~ ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ~

" Master, they refuse to give out their daughter. And they insist you visit them yourself. " One them said.

Alpha Kaden smiled, " Humans. When will they learn to obey? " He laughed this time. " Fine, I'll pay them a visit tonight."

" Do you think that's the right choice? "

Alpha Kaden smiled at his face, " I would do anything to have my mate. "



~ ??????? ~

" We need to take Illiana somewhere far from this village, I don't think she's safe here. I had sleepless night, my mind wasn't at rest, there's only one reason they might have requested for her. " Mrs Janet hated what she was thinking but, that was the truth.

" You think alpha Kaden wants to mark her? " Her husband guessed.

" Yes, and I know that alpha too well, he's surely going to come here tonight. "

" So, what do you suggest we do? "

" Let's take Illiana out of this village. I will call my younger brother to come pick her up, she has to live with him until everything is settled down. "

" Do you think that will be possible? " He asked, unsure of the idea.

" I don't know but, that's the only way we can keep her safe from those hungry creatures. "

" Janet, I think we such let this be. We might cause a greater problem trying to travel her out of the village. Maybe Genevieve or Danielle ends up getting affected. " He explained.

" You want those creatures to take our daughter? Is that what you want, huh? Just in case you have forgotten, she's twelve for damn sake and not twenty two. If you're gonna sit and play the holy one here, I'm going to do whatever it takes to protect my baby girl. "

He held her hand. " Janet listen, in as much as you want Ana safe, I do also. But right now, we ought to look at the consequences. Alpha Kaden might not be as wicked as we all think, and even if he is, I bet he won't try to hurt Ana because she is his mate. If there is anyone more than safe in Mandeva, it's her. So please, listen to me even if it's this once, let him come and we will hear what he's got to say. "

Janet gave up, heaving a sigh. " Fine, if you say so. "

The night was approaching quicker than anyone expected. The entire village heard about the news last night. For the first time in history, Mandeva was scared. Never has this happened before, a wolf seeking for a young girl.


" Mother, we can have him take me in replacement of Illiana. " Genevieve said.

" Are you crazy? " She barked. " Can't you see we are trying to prevent him from taking your younger sister and you want to give out yourself, just like that? Is that boldness or something? "

" I was just trying to help. " Genevieve said in tears. " I can't stand to watch him take my little sister away from me. "

" Look, Gene, I'm sorry for yelling at you that way. " She apologized, " I don't want him to take any of you either. I want the three of you with me, and even if fate has to declare marriage now to any of you, it shouldn't be those creatures, they're animals and not humans. "

Janet shoved her hair back in frustration. " I don't know what to do now. I'm restless and damn, I'm out of ideas. But not to worry, everything will be okay. " She kissed the three of them in their forehead, " Everything will be just fine. "

Darkness took over, Mrs Janet racing heart increased. Mr Walker and his family sat in the sitting room, waiting for the master to come. Illiana sat on her mother's laps, playing with her fingers.

She was fade up of the toys and the silent was becoming awkward. " Mom, who are we waiting for? Is it Uncle Tim? " She asked, still busy with her fingers.

" No, Ana, Uncle Tim can't make it here today. "

" So who then are we waiting for? "

" We are expecting a visitor tonight. " She replied, scared to go straight to the point.

" Does it have to do with the two men who came last night? " Mrs Janet looked at her husband, not knowing what to say or how to out the words.

" Yes, Ana. It has to do with them. " Mr walker, her father answered. " They have an important discussion with mom and I."

" Then why are we here? " She asked, referring to her sisters.

" I know, but somehow I think you all need to be here."

They heard the sound of a parking vehicle, and the head lights shun through their curtains. " They're here. " Danielle said, staring through the curtains. " There's a man with them, he's putting on a black hat. "

" What does he look like? " Mr Walker asked.

" I don't know, his hat is covering his face so I can't get a clear view of what he looks like. " She sat back on the chair, " They are at the door. "

There came a knock, calm than the previous night. Mrs Janet changed her mind, she quickly ordered her children to go to their room and shut the door after them while her husband went to welcome the strange... Visitors.

" Good evening, Sir. " He greeted as the main a black hat walked in.

" Good evening, Sir. " Janet greeted after.

" Good evening to you two. " he smirked. Even though his eyes couldn't be seen, his reddish lips could. He walked in with this black and golden walking stick, staring around the small but comfortable home, the smile on his face seemed not to have faded away.

" Please have a sit, Sir. " Mrs Janet ushered and he sat comfortably on one of the seats. " How may we help you please? "

" I'm sure you've met this two before. " He pointed at the two men who had banged in the previous night.

" Y.. yes, of course we've met them last night. " Mr Walker answered.

" And you're aware of their reason for coming, right? " The two couples nodded uniformly. " That's exactly why I am here. But first, before we go further, I'm very sure you two know my name. " They nodded again. " So what should I call you two? "

" My... " Mr Walker shuttered.

" Go on, don't be scared, I'm gonna hurt you. " He assured him.

" My name is John Walker and this is my wife, " pointing at her, " Janet Walker. "

" A pleasure to meet you two, Walker. So, back to business. I'm here for one of your daughters, my men told me they saw her here yesterday. Where are your daughters by the way? " He asked.

" They're in their room. " Replied, Mrs Janet.

" I wanna see them. "

Mrs Janet went to their room to call her three daughters. Illiana was behind Genevieve, her hand held hers tight like she was scared to let go.

" They're here. " She informed him.

He smiled again, standing to his feet. With his walking stick in his hand, he went to supervise the three girls. Not that he doesn't know who the right one was, but he just felt like making the gestures of studying.

Danielle scoffed at his face, looking away. Genevieve held Illiana tighter every bit of second. He stared into her eyes, " How old are you? " He asked her.

" And why should I tell you? "

" Because you just look too pretty to be sixteen. " He said, smiling at how shocked she was.

" You knew my age already, why then we're you asking? " She threw at him.

" What if I make you my mate, what will be your reaction? "

She chuckled, scoffing. " Who the heck in her right sense will proudly accept you as a mate?"

" Everyone does. Trust me everyone are wishing for it. " He said boostfully.

" Well, I ain't everyone and neither is my sister. "

Then Kaden's eye met Illiana who's face was still buried to the ground. " Please, don't take me away. Please, I don't wanna go anywhere. I wanna stay with my family. " She said in tears.

" Look at me little one. Look at me. " Illiana rose her wet eyes at him, her body shivering on Genevieve's body. He stretched out his hand to wipe off her tears when Genevieve pulled her behind her.

He stopped his hand halfway, staring up at Genevieve. " Don't you ever think of touching her. " she gave him a hard gaze.

He returned his gaze to Illiana. " How old are you? " He asked her.

" I can't tell you, " her tiny voice sounded from behind Genevieve. " You told Gene her age, I'm sure you know mine too. "

He smiled, she was just too smart as he expected. " What if I told you I had guessed her age, would you believe me? "

" Guess mine then. "

" Your eleven. " He said and she left her hiding place to look at him.

" I'm twelve. " she corrected. " You're not so good at guessing I think. "

He smiled again for the nth time. The little girl keeps impressing him. " Don't take me away, I beg you.. please. I don't wanna leave my home. "

" Don't worry, kitten, no one is taking you away from your family. I'm just here to see you, that's all. "

He held her hand, pulling her to his side. He unzipped her dress halfway, shifting one side of her dress aside. The fang of his first finger stretched out and he made an 'M' mark with it on her left shoulder.

He looked at the two couples. " I'll come back for her... when she turns twenty. "

He waved a smirk at Illiana, who replied with a rolling tears.
