First Kiss

" Open your eyes. " 

I slowly opened my eyes, he was now putting on a shirt. I shyly looked at his face for a while, then I took it off, staring at the ground.

" It's time you stop calling me Master, I'd prefer it if you call me by my name. " He calmly said to me.

I rose my eyes at him, " Kaden. " The word softly escaped my mouth like a whisper, leaving him to smile.

" Guess I've got to cherish the time. " He said, heading to his bed.

" What time? "

" Eleven o'clock. " He smiled again, and I grinned at the spot I stood.

" Would you mind for anything? " He asked.

" Do you have to keep asking me that each time I come here? " I asked.

" I ask that to every one and... I give what ever to my visitors. " He simply said.

" But I am not your visitor. " I said.

" You don't have to be my visitor before I can offer any thing to you. Do you think I would just let you in and start up a conversation... Just like that? It's time you see how much worth you are to me. "