I sat on my bed, touching the hand which I had used to hold the cup. I still can't believe what just happened few minutes ago.

I exhaled.

But there's just one thing about that cup, some one tampered it and whosoever that used it, has no idea of what he or she must have taken.

You can guess it right... Some one poisoned the cup. I don't how but I saw it.

I won't let this bother me, and besides that's some thing probably between the suspect and the victim. I have nothing to do with it.

And whoever dies, it's definitely not my business either.

I laid down on my bed as I was feeling a bit sleepy. Maybe I'll have to tell Kaden about what happened. But the problem is, will he believe me?

He might think I had gone nuts or over slept to see some weird dreams thinking they are real.



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Few hours after she had slept off, the window banged to blow, opening her window open. The breeze blew straight directly to Illiana's body.