" Kaden!!" She jerked up forcefully, scaring the shit out of Evans.
" My Lady? " He had thought she was back conscious but seeing as her mouth began moving, he rolled his eyes in defeat. " I know I can never bring you back to yourself. "
While he had finish saying that, he stood dumbfounded as she stepped out of the bed to where he had kept the Book.
She flipped it open to page seventy eight, muttering the words repeatedly.
" Miss Walker?" Doctor Evans called again to be sure.
She was acting weird than he can ever imagine. " Miss Walker, you have to talk to me. What do you see?" But it turns out that she wasn't listening to him.
" I think I have to call Laura..."
Illiana left the Book, but didn't stop from reciting the paragraphs as she left the room.
Evans just stood to see if she would come back to her senses, but on waiting for two minutes without seeing her, he quickly left the room following after her.
" My Lady! You have to come back this instant! My Lady?!"